Vaibhav Singh

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Tag: Security

Which active directory groups am I part of?

Several times I’ve had a need to figure out which AD groups I’m part of compared to somebody else. Typically somebody whose access is broken. Most often than not, a new joiner. There are several ways an end user without any elevated privileges can find this information. To find yours in a directory environment, execute […]

Protect SSH with TOTP 2FA

A few of my compute nodes running on AWS were required to have their SSH port open to the public internet. There are several well established ways that can be used to protect the login. Fail2ban comes to mind, or a firewall if you know the source IP addresses or the range. In this instance, […]

Store personal passwords securely

Digital security practices recommend use of complex passwords which are unique to each website or service because if you would use only one password everywhere and someone gets this password, you would have a problem; the thief would have access to all of your accounts. There are various tools or methods to accomplish this. I […]

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