Vaibhav Singh

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Category: General IT

Which active directory groups am I part of?

Several times I’ve had a need to figure out which AD groups I’m part of compared to somebody else. Typically somebody whose access is broken. Most often than not, a new joiner. There are several ways an end user without any elevated privileges can find this information. To find yours in a directory environment, execute […]

Identify client traffic-flow across a proxy

This happened over a decade ago when I was a budding L1 engineer, monitoring network infrastructure of a bank. This post is recollection of a memory when my team-lead (a great mentor) at the time, put me through a challenging exercise to meet a seemingly simple customer requirement. Existing Topology We had this typical topology […]

Packet capture on Windows 10

Recently I had a need to capture packets on a VDI instance, however, the node had no sniffer software installed on it. I never knew there was a native tool available on Windows 10. drop and follow CLI @ here

Store personal passwords securely

Digital security practices recommend use of complex passwords which are unique to each website or service because if you would use only one password everywhere and someone gets this password, you would have a problem; the thief would have access to all of your accounts. There are various tools or methods to accomplish this. I […]

Control two desktops with one keyboard and mouse

Synergy, an open source software application that allows you to control multiple PC’s through the TCP/IP LAN network. You can control two systems over your network with just one set of K&M connected to one of the machines. I have a laptop and a desktop which are kept apart, this works great. I don’t have […]

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